Tobias Wissen
Travel T(the) W(orld)
About me
After studying I felt in love with travelling when I was backpacking between 2010 and 2013. After working for the past 7 years most of the time in beautiful Bonn (Germany), I wanted to give traveling a new try.
I quit my job in July 2020 and wanted to see how traveling will be nowadays. Has it changed much with Covid-19? This blog has started for family and friends. With the time I got more passionate about posting.
I love writing, love to share my experience and I also struggled to get some informations while traveling. I try to fill this gap nowadays and look for articles which might be a benefit for people who share the same passion. People who love to visit new places and get totally lost. If you are interested in topics or to connect, don’t hesitate and leave me a message.

Early life
2005 - 2010
Studies of Business Economics in Flensburg (Germany)
2010 - 2013
Traveling in:
-South East Asia
-Central America
-South America
2013 - 2020
Controller in the Financial and Automotive Industry with several longer vacations
-Transiberian Railway (China, Mongolia, Russia)
-South America
-South East Asia
2020 - ongoing
-Europe in a Camper
-NA: Mexico, Canada, Alaska, Guatemala
-Africa: South Africa, Lesotho, Eswatini,
Mozambique, Malawi, Tanzania, Rwuanda, Uganda, Kenya
Right now: Colombia