From Bonn over the north and the Mecklenburg Lake Plateau to the east of Germany
July 22, 2020

Saying goodbye to the new home Bonn was not so easy. Five years ago when I moved there was still the question… should I live in Bonn or in the neighbouring Cologne? In the meantime, now that I have really come to appreciate Bonn and have made some great friends here, it is even sadder to leave it now and Cologne is no longer an option! Thanks to digitalization, the wonderful contacts are now much easier to keep, so that you can still easily stay in touch and not be cut off from life. Yes, dear friends, while I’m writing this blog for you, I expect you to keep me updated on, say, two or three DinA4 pages every week?! Well, occasional voicemails would be a start as well ;). And yeah, I have enabled the comment function. And yes, unwanted comments will be censored hahah
So, before I don’t even get off the ground with the writing here, I’ll try to get to the point. Oh no, one more hint… if all this writing in english makes you really sick., really an outstanding translator! Just put it in and it comes out in a great German language because of the perfect AI. Otherwise even I might have failed.
Lets get to the route/road! As soon as I started in Bonn I drove via Bielefeld, Oldenburg, Oerel (near Bremervörde) to Krakow am See, at the Mecklenburg Lake Plateau. What I have to mention here is that I was not allowed to sleep in the car until Krakow am See. Before that I got excellent sleeping places next to really good entertainment by my friends. Partly I had not seen my friends for about 5 years. But it seemed to me exactly the same as before. There was so much to talk about and I could have stayed with each of them much longer. Just really great people!

Well and then I was for the first time at the Mecklenburg Lake District, impressive landscape. It reminds me a little bit of the lake scenery in Sweden. Really very beautiful but almost no internet connection. And almost none, is almost an understatement! So dear Mrs. Merkel, if you are reading this, please do not neglect the digitization in the countryside. I personally am convinced that I had better internet in the Thai jungle. I have to mention that I’m really well equipped with my Kindl-Ebook-Reader and I’m also glad not to have any connection… but sometimes I would like to answer a whatsapp or even receive something or do some spontaneous research on the internet… if that might be possible? xD
Well, the week was over with or without internet. And my first summary is, that it is really easy to sleep in the car very well. However, I had to realize that really every thing needs its fixed place in the camper. Otherwise this quickly turns into pure chaos and you need an incredible amount of time to find the thing you are looking for. Even more time than put it tot he right place. Or am I just getting old? Mhm
So my next blog entry will be about Dresden. A city… which definitely fascinates me to anticipate that!